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Values & Ethos

At Edgewick, we are: Ready, Respectful and Kind. 


Education for the Community

  • We acknowledge our role at the heart of the community

  • We work with and for our parents and pupils

  • Encouraging links with other organisations to the mutual benefit of all

  • We provide a safe and caring environment for all who work in school


Celebrating diversity

  • We expect everyone to learn about British Values and what it means to live in this country

  • We respect the beliefs and cultures of all within our community

  • We believe that everyone has a right to be fully included as a member of our community

  • We aim to prepare our pupils to take a full and active part in our multicultural British society


Working together for success

  • We aim to enable every child to reach their potential

  • We work together with parents to support their child in school, at home and within the community

  • We value the contribution of everyone as we all aim ever higher for the benefit of our children 


British Values

The majority of children at Edgewick come from ethnic origins other than British, and these cultures and faiths enrich the work we do and the relationships we develop. However at Edgewick School we have always ensured that children, and their families, have a good understanding of expectations and responsibilities of British citizens. We ensure that children understand how democracy and the law work, and how British history has formed the way in which live.

We teach about Human Rights at age appropriate levels throughout the school, and reinforce equality of all British Citizens in our Society, especially that of women. We celebrate all events such as Royal weddings, Remembrance Day and National Holidays. We have a Pantomime and Nativity at Christmas and these are well supported by our parents who are often of different faiths.