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Year 5

Welcome to Year 5!

Your year 5 class teachers are Mr Gill and Miss Farquharson with Mrs Samak, Mrs Jandu, Miss Hollingsworth and Mrs Mahmood as supporting staff to make up the Year 5 team!

Our main aim is for each child to achieve their full potential, both academically, and in the development of their character and personal attributes.  We have spent quality time looking at learning behaviours around our ‘Edgewick Learner’ system alongside academic learning.

Please find below some Year 5 expectations:


The children know how important reading is and we ask that they read each day for a minimum of 20 minutes. We ask parents listen to the children read and record their reading in the reading record.


The children will have PE on THURSDAY afternoons. Children can come to school in their Edgewick PE kit on this day. 

Spring 2: Changing face of power

British Royal Family Tree - Guide to Queen Elizabeth II Windsor Family Tree

This term, Year 5 will embark on an incredible journey through history as we explore The Changing Face of Power! We will travel back to the Tudor period, discovering how power shifted during this fascinating time. From the dramatic end of the War of the Roses to the reigns of Henry VIII and Elizabeth I, we will uncover the key events and figures that shaped England’s future.

The War of the Roses was a fierce battle between the Houses of Lancaster and York, leading to the rise of the Tudors. We will learn how Henry VII’s victory changed England forever. Then, we will delve into the lives of Tudor monarchs, exploring their decisions, challenges, and the impact they had on the country. Through a mix of thrilling fictional and non-fictional texts, we will step into the shoes of historical figures and witness the drama of the Tudor court. To bring history to life, we’ll visit Hampton Court Palace, walking in the footsteps of Henry VIII himself!

This topic promises to be full of discoveries, debates, and hands-on learning—who will be your favourite Tudor ruler? Get ready to explore the ever-changing face of power!

Please don't hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions or concerns.