School Meals
School Policy on Healthy Eating.
Children’s Health is a national issue and Schools are charged with the responsibility, along with parents to ensure that children learn to keep themselves healthy and safe.
Childhood obesity, incidence of diabetes, asthma and other allergies, and also poor dental health, are on the increase, and are due to poor diet and lack of exercise.
All children who attend Edgewick Community Primary are able to have a delicious hot, freshly prepared meal every day if they want.
If your child is in Reception, Year One or Year Two then they are automatically eligible to have Universal Infant Free School Meals (UIFSM), if you would like more information on this then click here or in the sidebar.
Please click here to view our school menu.
At Edgewick School our aim is to:-
Educate children about which foods are healthy and which are not
To encourage children to make healthy eating choices
To ensure that children understand the effects food has on their health
To offer opportunities to try out new foods
To encourage children to understand that some foods should only be eaten occasionally
To understand the importance of hygiene
To understand the origins of food and how they are produced
To do regular exercise
We do this by:-
Working with the Solihull Metropolitan Council to improve the quality of School Meals
Encouraging parents to provide a healthy packed lunch for their child
Encouraging children to have healthy tuck at breaktime
Providing fresh fruit and vegetables through the Healthy Fruit Scheme, school lunches and through the school garden
Providing fresh chilled water for children to drink
Teaching children through Science and Personal, Social and Health Education about how to keep their bodies healthy
Regular visits from the school nurse and other professionals.
It is not true that children will not eat fruit and vegetables. When there is nothing else on offer they soon learn to eat what is provided and will often learn to love them in return! Chocolate and other sweets are fine as occasional treats but should not be part of a regular diet.
Hot meals
The legal requirement on schools is to provide a lunchtime meal that meets the School Food Standards, where they apply. We expect that all pupils will routinely be offered a hot meal option.
Currently we offer a diverse menu which alternates at least 3 times a year and is on a 3 weekly cycle. Our current caterer is AIP.
We also have special event days including, Halloween, Christmas dinner, special sporting events & many, many more.
Catering for pupils with special dietary requirements
Headteachers and school governors are best placed to make decisions in the case of pupils who have special dietary requirements, taking into account local circumstances. We are happy to make reasonable adjustments for pupils with these requirements.
This is already the case in relation to FSMs for disadvantaged pupils and schools we will continue to take the same approach as eligibility is extended. For more information on how we cater for pupils with special dietary requirements see the School Food Plan’s UIFSM Toolkit.
Packed Lunches
Many children have excellent packed lunches, however parents should avoid the following on a regular basis:
Chocolate, crisps, sugary squash, sweet filled sandwiches, and absolutely NO FIZZY DRINKS!