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Year 2

Welcome to Year 2.

In Year 2 we aim high and believe that with effort, everything is achievable.

The team in Year 2 consist of Miss Gotschy and Mrs Matharu in 2KG, and Mrs Moore and Mrs Mattu in 2LM. 


At Edgewick, our values are: Be Ready, Be Respectful, Be Kind. 


Our current topic is Pirates. 

As part of our new topic ‘Pirates’, Year 2 will be learning about pirates of the past and their significance, exploring the golden age of piracy and identifing the rules of the pirate code. Pupils will also use maps and atlases to identify countries and use simple compass directions. 

As part of their arts curriculum, pupils will create and perform their own pirate sea shanties and design and create their own pirate flag. 


Enrichment/ culture capital:

This term Year 2 will be receiving One Body One Life sessions, surrounding our science topic about the importance of exercise, eating the right amount of food and hygiene. 


Please click to view our TTrockstars page. 


P.E in Year 2 takes place on Tuesdays. 
Homework will be given out on Fridays and is expected back on the Tuesday.

We love reading in Year 2! Please read at home every night with your child. 
The expectations for reading in Year 2 is that every child reads their home reader for at least 10 minutes a day.