Year 3
Welcome to Year 3! Mrs McFall, Mr Gray and Mrs Davies are the Year 3 teachers with Miss Pettifor, Miss Ana and Miss Russell as supporting staff. We want the children in our year group to be happy individuals with a love for learning. We work hard together as a team of adults and children in a supportive, kind environment.
We want our children to love coming into school to learn with us. In Year 3 it is our aim for all children to feel happy, valued and heard. We work hard to ensure all children are included by offering a wide range of teaching approaches and we encourage a team ethos between all children and adults to help us be the best we can be.
Our Current topic in Year 3 is 'Africa'.
During this geography topic, year 3 are learning all about the continent of Africa! We will be learning about the vast range of physical and human geography and how this varies across the continent. We will be exploring famous landmarks such as Victoria Falls in Zambia and the Pyramids in Egypt. In art we are looking at the work of Edward Tingatinga and creating our own masterpieces. In addition Year 3 will have a performance which will include traditional tales from Africa, performance poetry and lots of singing!
In Maths we will be focusing on multiplication and division.
PLEASE NOTE: - We have P. E. on Wednesday. Both indoor and outdoor P.E. kits are needed this term.
Homework is given every Friday and should be returned the following Monday.
In Year 3 we expect children to read at home every day. Please listen to your child read daily and complete the reading diary.