Year 4
Welcome to Year 4
Teachers in Year 4 are Miss Charlton and Mrs Bibi, and the support staff are Mrs Hollingsworth, Ms Mercy and Miss Kockiri.
In Year 4 we are focused on striving to be the best learners we can! This year our focus is on fluency in Times Tables, love of reading and extending our vocabulary. Last term the children in year 4 matured and worked hard on displaying their very best learning behaviours.
Unlocking our potential to achieve our dreams!
Home Expectations
In Year 4 we encourage all our children to read with an adult daily at home for 10 minutes a night.
Homework is usually sent on a Friday. This can be a physical copy or online on Purple Mash.
All children in Year 4 have logins to 'Timetable Rock Stars'. We encourage our children to practice their times tables daily. The children have their own logins in their reading records.
Our PE day this term is Tuesday, and we ask our children to come into school wearing their PE kits on this day.
Spring 2
Be prepared to go back in time to the land of the cave men in the stone age! How could we find out how people used to live? This term we will be learning all about early man, concluding with an exciting visit from real life cave men and women!
In History we will look at the Stone, bronze and iron age. Please see below for other subjects coverage
Coming soon ....